They are Here & Fresh Pesto Pasta!!!
The 2 books that Kalyn sent me are finally here and they are absolutely FANTASTIC!!! I 1st received the Vegetables Everyday and though that was great. But then few days later, received the Herbs & Spices: the Cook's Reference book and was in food heaven ;) Its a great book detailing spices from across the world, ranging from African to Indian to Italian to Moroccan and how you can cook with them!
I can't wait to start cooking from both these books. Kalyn, thanks a ton again for these wonderful gems!
Aren't they Beautiful?
Petso Pasta made with Fresh Basil

Inspired by the Vegetables Everyday book, cooked up some Pesto Pasta with fresh basil I have been successfully growing (quite rare for me :() for a while now. The simplicity of the pesto went so well with the multi-flavored shell pasta I picked up on my last trip to Paris. Yes, R & I are pasta snobs where we are not too fond of the wheaty, pasty pasta you get in most stores here. Though I must admit TJs and Whole Foods are quickly making that a thing of the past! w00t!

Since this was one of my few successful attempts to grow my own food, I am sending this pasta to Andrea's Grow Your Own event!
Fresh Pesto Pasta
1. 1 pound pasta of your choice. I used shell pasta
2. 3 cups fresh basil
3. 2 tablespoons pine nuts, untoasted
4. 1-2 cloves of garlic
5. 1-2 jalapeno (optional)
6. 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
7. 1/2 cup Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, grated
8. Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
9. 1 cup dill (optional)
1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil for the pasta
2. In a blender, combine the basil, pine nuts, garlic, jalapeno and olive oil. Blend till its pureed
3. Add the cheese, salt and pepper, and blend again
4. Cook the pasta for about 3 minutes in the boiling water until al dente (should be firm to the touch)
5.Drain and transfer the pasta to a large bowl. Do not rinse the pasta as that will cause all the great nutrients in the pasta to get washed away!
6. Add the pesto and dill to the pasta and toss. Add a drizzle of oil and top with cheese, if you like.
Enjoy :)
home grown basil? wow!!
thank you so much for your interest in WBB - cornflakes.
hope to see a couple of entries from you ;)
you lucky, lucky gal!!!
I would love to have homemade basil too.
I would love to have homemade basil too.
those are amazing books and u are one lucky girl to receive those!!
those are amazing books and u are one lucky girl to receive those!!
Beautiful books indeed! Love Pesto!:))
So glad they arrived and that you're enjoying them. Isn't that Herbs and Spices book just fantastic! I love both those books.
Love the Pasto.....and that was cool buddy...U got the books...Great :-)) Congrats :-)
You lucky lucky thing. I am J ;)
You lucky lucky thing. I am J ;)
Wow, congratulations and enjoy the books. Loved the Pesto Pasta ( say that 10 times :-))
lovely basil
Thanks Nags. I am totally looking fwd to the WBB entries!
Bee, I know ;)….They r truly awesome books!!!
Happy cook, you should try to grow basil…Its pretty easy to grow…trust me given that I don’t even have as much as a green pinkie ☹
Padmaja, I can’t wait to start cooking from them!
Asha, thanks! Isn’t pesto g8? Easy to make and soo tasty !
Kalyn, you made my Diwali!!! This is one of the best Diwali gifts ever :D
Sirisha Kilambi, thanks! Yup, the books are finally here!
Nupur, hehe will promise to share them ;)
Red Chillies, haha…thanks so much!
Sagari, thanks!!
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